
What do we do when we come to church? Of course, we come to worship God, but part of what we are doing is remembering who God is and what God has done. We remember stories that we were not part of, stories that happened thousands of years ago to other people. We remember stories from our own lives and our parents before us. In our remembering we are thankful for all we have been given, and find comfort in what we have suffered. We also “remember forward”. The events and people we remember influence who we will become and what we will be called to do. In recognizing God’s presence and provision in the past, we become more hopeful of God’s continued presence and provision for our future.

Today is Father’s Day. We remember what influence our fathers have had on us in the past, and how this legacy impacts on our future. Sadly, not everyone is left with the best legacy, but in the time of remembering, we can choose to use all memories (good or bad) to challenge, to inspire, or to turn around our lives. Amen.

Grace and Peace,