A Prayer for Fathers

A prayer for Fathers

Holy and living God, we pray today for fathers.

We pray for fathers who like plovers are sometimes too aggressive in protecting their young.

We pray for fathers who, too soon, experience the loss of their young.

We pray for the fathers who like emus find themselves raising a brood of offspring alone.

We pray for fathers who like geese commit to life-long partnerships raising young together as the seasons come and go.

We pray for fathers who like cuckoos see their young raised by others.

We pray for fathers who like mutton birds must go away for long periods in order to provide for their family.

We pray for fathers who like pee wees have to re-build nests destroyed by catastrophe.

…and Lord we pray for children

for those who have not experienced the love, comfort and security of a healthy family.

for those who have grown up with violence, fear and abuse

for those who carry the pain, anger and confusion of relationship with a father that was spoiled by alcohol, drug and misplaced priorities of time and money.

… and we pray for foster families and grandparents

seeking to provide love and care into lives that have not had a scaffold of loving support.

Lord God, we pray for fathers, families and generations as they seek to find their place in the world and in relationship with one another.

Help us to live with the joy of love, the courage of commitment, and the grace of forgiveness through Christ our Lord. Amen

© Kaye Ronalds 2015