
Jesus in the Sermon the Mount gives his disciples a mission, to be salt and light. Salt and light both impact the things around them. As disciples we are to also impact the world around us. We are called to promote the gospel with our deeds, with our money, and with our church and with our words. The way we do this is to know the relationship of the behaviours listed in the sermon to the God who summons them.

So, from the sermon we can learn that the relationship of prayer to the God to whom we pray is first of all required. Disciples are required to pray but not pray in a way that draws undue attention to them. Public prayer is acceptable even required; however, the prayers themselves must come from the heart of the person who prays. To simplify prayer, it is telling God the things on your heart and allowing space for God to answer. Then the next important step is to act on prompts and feelings. Get help in the discerning.

Prayer, when it is from the heart and when God is allowed to speak to your heart, brings you closer to God. When we are close to God our prayers will bring glory to God when people see that it is a relationship with God that comes from the moves to prayer. If you are not comfortable with prayer, begin by praying a psalm or the Lord’s Prayer daily and then take a moment to think of things in your heart.

Prayers, Linda